By Farah Baig, LCSW Collecting cancellation fees is a part of business but can be a challenging task and often comes with angst. Therapists can find it just as challenging to charge the cancellation fee as it is for the client to pay it, so much so that therapists often waive the fees at their […]
By Farah Baig, LCSW Collecting cancellation fees is a part of business but can be a challenging task and often comes with angst. Therapists can find it just as challenging to charge the cancellation fee as it is for the client to pay it, so much so that therapists often waive the fees at their […]
By Joseph Kanengiser, LCSW Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. The stress that comes from conflict reverberates, sometimes impacting the quality or our work, our fulfillment with our jobs and our personal life. Nevertheless, conflict is not necessarily always bad. In fact, sometimes it’s good! Both learning how to decipher between good and bad conflict, […]
By Farah Hussain Baig, LCSW Expectant parents spend months creating images in their mind of who they want their child to become. But above everything, parents will consistently share their primary hope is to have a healthy child. With prenatal genetic testing, it is possible to confirm the likelihood of an unlimited list of disorders […]
By Farah Hussain Baig, LCSW Expectant parents spend months creating images in their mind of who they want their child to become. But above everything, parents will consistently share their primary hope is to have a healthy child. With prenatal genetic testing, it is possible to confirm the likelihood of an unlimited list of disorders […]
By Felicia Levy, LCSW Be Nice To Yourself! By now you’ve probably heard that having good self-esteem is essential to your personal and professional well-being. Recent studies have shown that there is an additional tool – self compassion – that might be even more effective in helping you lead a balanced life. Self-compassion – it […]
Attachment refers to the particular way in which you relate to other people based on your level of security in the relationship. There are many different psychologists and therapists who have done scientific research on the topic, including John Bowlby, Dr. Allan Shore, John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth and Stephen Borges to name a few. The […]
Attachment refers to the particular way in which you relate to other people based on your level of security in the relationship. There are many different psychologists and therapists who have done scientific research on the topic, including John Bowlby, Dr. Allan Shore, John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth and Stephen Borges to name a few. The […]
By Joe Dillon with Equitable Mediation If I asked you what the number one issue that drives divorce is, what would you say? Would you say money? Well, that might be a good guess since in a divorce you need to resolve and come to agreement on: Child Support – which outlines the financial support you […]
By Jamie Edwards, LCSW Read any article, blog, or book about happiness, and among the information will be a reference to the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships through the years. Yet in a world of over scheduling, FOMO (fear of missing out), and instant gratification, relationships can seem daunting and overwhelming. Why is it that […]
By Jamie Edwards, LCSW Read any article, blog, or book about happiness, and among the information will be a reference to the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships through the years. Yet in a world of over scheduling, FOMO (fear of missing out), and instant gratification, relationships can seem daunting and overwhelming. Why is it that […]
By Ewelina Beardmore, LCPC If you won the lottery would you stop working? This question might stimulate dreams of paying off lifelong credit card debts or student loans with just one click, instead of making monthly payments, taking a trip around the world instead of spending your day stuck in a cubicle. Waking to the […]
By Farah Hussain Baig, LCSW It’s the holiday season, and whether it’s our gifts, travel plans, or year-end goals, this time of glad tidings tends to elicit a lot of stress. One of the most common stressors surrounding the holidays is spending time with family. Not all family members, just the difficult ones-the critical parent, […]
By Farah Hussain Baig, LCSW It’s the holiday season, and whether it’s our gifts, travel plans, or year-end goals, this time of glad tidings tends to elicit a lot of stress. One of the most common stressors surrounding the holidays is spending time with family. Not all family members, just the difficult ones-the critical parent, […]
By Farah Hussain Baig, LCSW Picture this scene…You are standing at the corner waiting for your bus to take you home after a long day at work. You’ve been waiting patiently for ten minutes and it’s nowhere in sight. Ten minutes turn into twenty and you are thinking about to walk away. You find yourself […]